WWE Hall Of Famer Believes John Cena Has Never Had The “It Factor”

WWE Hall Of Famer Believes John Cena Has Never Had The “It Factor”
Original Photo Credit: WWE

John Cena is considered by many to be on the same level as Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin, having been the face of WWE from the mid-2000s to the mid-2010s. However, some fans aren’t convinced he was as big a star as some claim, and now, somewhat surprisingly, WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts has declared on his podcast he never thought Cena had the “It Factor,” calling his interviews just “okay.

“I don’t think he did [have the it factor]. I don’t feel it, man, nothing personal, but I just always struggle with him … You know, his interviews are okay, and his work was good, very good. But he didn’t have that ‘oomph.’ He had to work really hard.”Jake Roberts

47-year-old Cena broke into the wrestling industry in 1998 via Ultimate Pro Wrestling, going by the name The Prototype. From there, he received a couple of WWE tryout matches in 2000, resulting in him signing for the company the following year and being assigned to its then-developmental territory, Ohio Valley Wrestling.

However, despite a memorable main roster debut in which he confronted Kurt Angle, his long-term future with the company would become uncertain after he failed to connect with fans, and it was now known that his release was likely coming. Yet, despite this threat hanging over his head, he adopted his “Doctor of Thuganomics” gimmick after demonstrating his legitimate rap skills, and his career subsequently skyrocketed.

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