Why Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair Weren’t Included In “Who Killed WCW?” Revealed

Why Hulk Hogan & Ric Flair Weren’t Included In “Who Killed WCW?” Revealed

The latest episode of “Talk Is Jericho” features “Dark Side Of The Ring” creators Evan Husney and Jason Eisener. The pair is also behind the new 4-part documentary series “Who Killed WCW?” 

The show includes numerous wrestling notables including Eric Bischoff, Booker T., Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page and Konnan, among many others, giving first-hand accounts of the fall of WCW. Noticeably absent from the show, however, are WCW mainstays Sting and Ric Flair, and also NWO staple and wrestling icon Hulk Hogan. Flair previously spoke out about not being asked to participate. Husney and Eisener told Chris Jericho why the trio weren’t a part of the series. 

Sting: “Sting unfortunately I didn’t hear back from,” Husney said. “I don’t think he likes being on camera in these types of interviews. That’s my gut reading, I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

Ric Flair: “Unfortunately, (with) Ric Flair it was tough,” Husney said. “When you think of WCW, Ric Flair is WCW, of course. He is the face of WCW in a lot of ways, and Sting, too. But for us, it was sort of mapping out the money we had — wink wink. And also, when we did our research in terms of (‘NITRO’ author Guy Evans’) book, Ric wasn’t necessarily a name that came back that had a part in the end days of WCW. He was there, but it just felt like in really trying to maximize the number of people we wanted in the show, (we wanted) people who either had a piece or a part or some blame for (the death of the company). I don’t really think of Ric as being synonymous with the death of WCW as much. So that was the thought there.”

Hulk Hogan: “(Former WWE writer and ‘Who Killed WCW?’ contributor) Brian (Gewirtz) had a conversation with Hogan and talked to him about the project. Then we spoke to his attorney at one point. I don’t know. The enthusiasm after the creative conversation with him didn’t seem to be there when I was talking to the attorney. Then it just kinda died there. I don’t know what happened. Hogan may look at his time in WCW and know there’s a lot of difficult questions there to answer.”

Listen to the full “Talk Is Jericho” episode here

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