Legendary Pro Wrestling Manager Spotted In Orlando Ahead Of Rumored NXT Return

Legendary Pro Wrestling Manager Spotted In Orlando Ahead Of Rumored NXT Return

Last week, it was reported by Fightful Select that The Authors of Pain tag team consisting of Akam and Rezar had secretly re-signed with WWE last year, with the company just waiting for the right time to re-debut them. Subsequently, PWInsider.com confirmed this report and added they were headed to NXT in the coming weeks.

And now, ahead of Tuesday night’s live taping, PWInsider.com has further reported their former manager and the man who supposedly negotiated their latest WWE contracts, Paul Ellering, has been spotted in Orlando, Florida. Of course, this doesn’t 100% confirm that AOP will be returning to television this week, but the timing of Ellering being spotted does make it appear likely.

“WWE Hall of Famer Paul Ellering has been spotted in Orlando, Florida today. As PWInsiderElite.com reported last week, there has been talk of Ellering and The Authors of Pain potentially making some WWE NXT appearances of late.”


70-year-old Ellering, who wrestled over 600 matches himself, is best known for being the on-screen and legitimate manager of the Road Warrior between 1983 and 1990, also periodically working alongside them between 1992 and 1997. This would see him inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame alongside the duo in 2011.

At this point, most considered him retired from the business; however, in 2016, he returned to WWE television to manage the debuting AOP, working alongside them for almost two years before being replaced by Drake Maverick. This would see him disappear from the limelight, although it’s understood he has remained under a Legends deal.


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