Former UFC Star Comes To The Defence Of Brock Lesnar For Sending “Naughty Text Messages”

Former UFC Star Comes To The Defence Of Brock Lesnar For Sending “Naughty Text Messages”

Following the problematic allegations made against Brock Lesnar in Janel Grant’s lawsuit against WWE, Vince McMahon, and John Laurinaitis, the company quickly distanced itself from the former UFC star. They did this by canceling his participation in the men’s Royal Rumble match, making him unplayable in their latest video game, and slashing the price of most of his merchandise on

 And now, during an episode of the popular Flagrant podcast, Chael Sonnen has come to the defense of his fellow former MMA fighter, suggesting he should sue WWE. However, it should be noted that the legendary trash-talkers understanding of the lawsuit’s intricacies may be limited, as indicated by multiple inaccurate comments during the episode.

“But it’s still hearsay that Brock sent naughty text messages, nothing more. Not confirmed. As a matter of fact, it is confirmed that Brock has never met this human being. As a matter of fact, it’s confirmed that Brock has never spoken to this human being. It is believed that a naughty text came from a number that is believed to be Brock’s. They canceled him, and I mean out. He will never come back. He went down with Vince … He should be the one suing them for breach of contract, he should be going after them for everything. They’ve taken him off the website. When I talk about canceled, it’s not that we don’t assign him and put him back to work. They have taken like he doesn’t exist.”

Chael Sonnen

 46-year-old Lesnar has chosen to remain silent on the allegations made against him in Grant’s lawsuit, a decision that is within his rights. Still, the situation has cast a dark shadow over his reputation, leading some to speculate that it may be irreparably damaged. Which if accurate, it could mark one of the most dramatic career downturns in the history of professional wrestling.


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