Former The Bump Host Reveals Why WWE Released Him

Former The Bump Host Reveals Why WWE Released Him

Earlier this year, it was reported that the WWE released popular on-air talent Matt Camp, who is best known for hosting The Bump. At the time, no reason for his departure was shared publicly, resulting in plenty of speculation. However, now, during his new YouTube show, Camp has opened up about being let go, confirming it was due to budget cuts and calling it “pretty sh*tty” how the company chose not to acknowledge his exit.

“I was told by Michael Cole when it happened. He wasn’t the one who let me go; it was an HR representative. I was told it had nothing to do with anything I did. It was a cost-cutting measure, or whatever you want to call it, tightening the budget … I was mildly shell-shocked at the time, but it came out a week after, and that’s when I started to get the messages and all that stuff, including from people within the company. They didn’t know. That’s how I chose to handle it. WWE did not put any announcement out, I just disappeared. I disappeared off ‘The Bump,’ I disappeared off the shows. They made no mention of it, which, admittedly, I thought was pretty sh*tty.”

Matt Camp

During his time with WWE, Camp became a familiar face to wrestling fans, appearing on WWE’s The Bump, NXT Level Up, Raw Talk, SmackDown LowDown, Best of WWE, WWE’s The Ultimate Show, as well as multiple premium live event kickoff shows. Additionally, it is known he worked as a historical consultant on several WWE documentaries, which made his release even more surprising at the time. Still, it appears that having broken into the business in 2017 via Tommy Dreamer’s House of Hardcore promotion, he still wants to be involved, which the launch of his podcast verifies.


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