Bestselling Wrestling Author Picks Underrated Wrestlemania Match

Bestselling Wrestling Author Picks Underrated Wrestlemania Match
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Author Keith Elliot Greenberg is a New York Times bestselling author and has penned several excellent wrestling tomes over the years. Greenberg is also a frequent contributor to A&E’s WWE documentary programs, and his latest book, “Bigger! Better! Badder! Wrestlemania III and the Year It All Changed,” is an in-depth look at one of the most monumental events in wrestling history and the circumstances within the business that surrounded it. 

In a new interview with Web Is Jericho via Youngstown Studio, Greenberg talked at length about the book and the wrestling business in the mid-to-late ’80s and was asked if there was a match on the Wrestlemania III card that perhaps doesn’t get the attention it deserves. 

“It has gotten credit, but I do think the Roddy Piper/Adrian Adonis match often gets overlooked to an extent,” Greenberg said. “I mean, people remember it, because first of all it was a very good match. Adrian Adonis, although he struggled with obesity, he was an excellent worker. He spent a lot of his career in Japan and worked that rigorous style and could really flop across the ring in a masterful way. And Piper was intending to retire and start making movies, and so there was emotion tied to that match. At the very end, we saw Brutus ‘The Barber” Beefcake, who got kicked out of the Dream Team with Greg “The Hammer” Valentine earlier in the night following their match with The Rougeau Brothers. And he re-emerged later in the show as ‘The Barber’ and clipped Adrian Adonis’ hair. Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake was born, so I think we need to look at that match, too, as being fairly significant.” 

Greenberg’s full interview can be viewed below, and fans can order his new book from ECW Press. 

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