Alberto Del Rio recently returned to wrestling after going on hiatus since assault and kidnapping allegations were made against him by an ex-girlfriend. It was even claimed he threatened to leave her young son stranded in the street, which shocked and appalled everyone. However, in an interview with Lucha Libre Online, he has revealed that she officially dropped the charges against him. Additionally, he stated her son was not even at the house when the scandal occurred.
It was a problem between my partner and I in which, unfortunately, I made a mistake; I committed infidelity in our own house that caused anger, resentment, and excessive hatred of the person who was supposed to be the woman of all my life, lifetime.
Alberto Del Rio
After all the scandal happened, and I was accused of what I was accused of, she dropped the charges a few weeks later. Although I was dying to tell the world that my ex-partner had dropped the charges, I was not allowed to do so so as not to interfere with the case we are handling here in San Antonio, Texas.
Alberto Del Rio
She dropped the charges; she did not just drop them; she had the courage to speak to the authorities and told them that it was for domestic violence, but that at no time was there a kidnapping because we had lived together for a long time and that there was never an assault. Sexual, that this rumor that is out there is ridiculous, about me trying to affect her son, little Matías, the boy was not even in the house.
Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio also spoke about another former girlfriend, Paige, who he began dating in 2016 but would separate with in 2017. The pair had a tumultuous relationship, and following the accusations mentioned above, she claimed that Del Rio kept her confined for hours during their relationship. Del Rio has stated that due to a confidentiality agreement the pair signed that he would take legal action against her if she spoke out against him again.
Paige and I could have built an empire together, because of our talents, because of what was around us, but unfortunately, due to the situations, instead of taking advantage and growing as a couple, we did the opposite. We dedicated ourselves to doing things that were not they were productive, neither for our careers nor for our lives.
Alberto Del Rio
Paige and I could have built an empire together, because of our talents, because of what was around us, but unfortunately, due to the situations, instead of taking advantage and growing as a couple, we did the opposite. We dedicated ourselves to doing things that were not they were productive, neither for our careers nor for our lives.
Alberto Del Rio
So that’s why I say “thank you, Paige” because you broke that confidentiality agreement; you freed me to take action if I am attacked again by you or by yours. In that relationship between Paige and me, there was a person who was arrested 3 times in San Antonio, Las Vegas, and Orlando for domestic violence, it was not me.
Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio is obviously trying to repair his reputation and rebuild his career due to the court of public opinion already having found him guilty despite the fact he will likely face no legal consequences. In July, he is set to face Andrade in one of his first matches since departing WWE himself, which has already caused controversy online. Therefore it will be interesting to see if any major promotions give him further opportunities due to the potential backlash.