90s Wrestling Star Is Open To Signing A WWE Legends Deal

90s Wrestling Star Is Open To Signing A WWE Legends Deal
Original Photo Credit: WWE

Marc Mero left WWE in 1999, and with his then-wife Sable suing the company, he was likely added to Vince McMahon’s shitlist for life despite the fact she would be rehired. However, with McMahon no longer in power, Mero is ready to associate with the company again via a Legends deal if one was to be offered. This would be disclosed while speaking on Desert Island Graps, with the former Intercontinental Champion saying, “There are no problems on my end, but I understand that there may still be some hard feelings on their end.

“It would be an honor to work with them and have a Legends contract. They have a Be A Star program where they have some of the wrestlers talk at schools, that’s what I do, I’m doing 200-plus events a year. How cool would it be to have WWE behind it? … There are no problems on my end, but I understand that there may be some hard feelings on their end still.”Marc Mero

Mero broke into the business in the early 90s and was positioned as a future star in WCW under the name Johnny B. Badd. And while he would arguably be over-pushed given his experience, the fact that Jane Fonda, Ted Turner’s wife, apparently liked him certainly didn’t hurt his career. Therefore, it was somewhat surprising when he jumped to WWE, although it made sense once it was revealed that Vince McMahon wanted him so badly that he offered him a rare guaranteed contract. Still, McMahon likely regretted this when Mero was still getting full pay while sidelined for 18 months through injury.

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