WWE Has Released Several Talents Including Drew Gulak

WWE Has Released Several Talents Including Drew Gulak

WWE recently made a round of main roster cuts which saw names like Jinder Mahal and Cameron Grimes depart the company. And now it appears management has reviewed their NXT and developmental talents, because according to multiple sources several performers were released on Friday, with Drew Gulak, Boa, Valentino Feroz, Trey Bearhill, Kiyah Saint, Julian Baldi, Emma Diaz, Vlad Pavlenko, Darrell Mason, Keyshawn LeFlore, and Ezekiel Balogun so far confirmed to be gone.

Of all the wrestlers listed Gulak is the least surprising, as despite being the biggest name he had recently been taken off television after Ronda Rousey accused him of pulling on her pant drawstring. And while Gulak would claim on social media that it was an accident and he was just trying to shake hands, Bryan Alvarez confirmed to his subscribers on X that WWE had interviewed witnesses. Therefore, the fact that he is part of these cuts indicates Rousey’s version of events is what the company believed.