Why MJF Vs. Rush Couldn’t Take Place At Forbidden Door

Why MJF Vs. Rush Couldn’t Take Place At Forbidden Door

During this week’s episode of Dynamite, the show would open with MJF vs. Rush in a hard-hitting match that has subsequently been highly praised online. However, given the status of both men, fans were surprised that the match didn’t take place at AEW’s upcoming Forbidden Door pay-per-view, with it assumed that AEW had decided to air MJF’s first match since Worlds End on Dynamite to get a ratings boost.

Yet, it has now been revealed by Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio that the actual reason was because the luchador isn’t allowed to compete on the PPV as “CMLL would not be happy with Rush on that show.

While Rush is officially signed to AEW, the speculation is that there is heat on him with CMLL management after he and his brother Dragon Lee worked ROH’s Death Before Dishonor event instead of CMLL’s 86th Anniversary Show back in 2019. This decision would see the duo fired and go on to work for their rivals, AAA. Therefore, it appears that despite five years having passed, Rush remains a pariah as far as CMLL is concerned, and given their involvement in Forbidden Door, they are putting their foot down.


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