Violent J Explains Why He Put CM Punk On Blast

Violent J Explains Why He Put CM Punk On Blast

On Monday afternoon, Violent J of the Insane Clown Posse shocked pro wrestling fans when he posted a profanity-filled tirade against CM Punk on Instagram. At the time, what had set the rapper off wasn’t known; however, he has now explained during an interview with that he had been scrolling social media while at the airport and stumbled across Punk’s past comments from All Out and simply decided, “F*ck this guy.

“I was at the airport, I was flipping through Instagram, and I came across the footage from a couple of years ago when CM Punk was going off on Colt Cabana about sharing a bank account with his mom. I don’t like CM Punk. He’s always been a d*ck to us. I just unloaded … I unloaded because I have an outlet, and something is on my mind, I unload. The funny this is, he doesn’t live in my mind like that. It’s not like a grudge where I’m after him. I just saw it, and I was like, ‘F*ck this guy.’ That’s it. There is no anger to it. I don’t like him. I think he suffers inside. Just watching and observing as a fan, I think he has problems, and there is a lot more going on in his head than I’ll ever understand.”

Violent J

Violent J, along with his ICP partner Shaggy 2 Dope, started out backyard wrestling before forming their controversial musical double-act. Subsequently, they leveraged their popularity and fame into working for multiple wrestling promotions, including WWE, WCW, ECW, and TNA. Additionally, in 1999, they started their own promotion, Juggalo Championship Wrestling, which still runs shows, with their last event taking place last Halloween and featuring talents including Joey Janela, Enzo Amore, and Mad Man Pondo.


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