Downstait Has A New Wrestling Theme In The Works

Downstait Has A New Wrestling Theme In The Works
Original Photo Credit:, AEW

Indiana-based rockers Downstait have become the go-to band for new wrestling entrance themes. The band has found immense success with their song, “Kingdom,” which is used by WWE Undisputed Champion Cody Rhodes, and they’ve also written the entrance themes for The Miz, Dolph Ziggler and several others. 

Singer Zack Call has hinted that the band is currently working on another entrance theme. “We like to keep it under wraps until the performer comes out and they start doing some of the promotion on their end,” Call told “Reffin It Up” with Brian Hebner and Jimmy Korderas. “Most of the people we’re doing right now is a re-brand. Not to toot our own horn, but most of the time, when we get a wrestler, him or her, they go somewhere with it. We have this weird good luck charm on all these performers. It seems like they’re going somewhere when they get us. Since this year started, we’ve been non-stop working with wrestlers.”

Call, however, remained tight-lipped on who the new entrance theme is for. “It’s not our song to spoil,” he said. “What comes down to it, when we give them the music, it’s for them to do something with it. They run with it.”

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