Dave Grohl Disses Taylor Swift & Swift Responds

Dave Grohl Disses Taylor Swift & Swift Responds
Original Photo Credits: Dave Grohl - Raphael Pour-Hashemi, CC BY 2.0 | Taylor Swift - iHeartRadioCA, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl made headlines over the weekend during the band’s show at London Stadium. While bantering with the crowd Grohl said: “I know that we were joking about the Taylor Swift tour earlier. I know that she’s on her ‘Eras Tour.’ I tell you, man, you don’t want to suffer the wrath of Taylor Swift. So we like to call our tour the ‘Errors Tour’… We’ve had more than a few eras, and more than a few f*cking errors as well. Just a couple.”

Grohl then implied that Swift and her band don’t play live. “That’s because we actually play live,” he said. “What!? Just saying. You guys like raw, live rock ‘n’ roll music, right? You came to the right f*cking place.” Swifties always come to the defense of their beloved singer, and Grohl faced a mountain of backlash online once his comments appeared online. 

Swift played London’s Wembley Stadium later in the weekend and seemingly responded to Grohl’s critique on stage. “(This is) an unforgettable moment in not just my life, but every one of my band members, every single one of our crew,” Swift said. “My band who’s gonna be playing live for you for three and a half hours tonight, they deserve this so much. And so does every one of my fellow performers. And you just gave that to us so generously. We will never forget it.”

The comments from both Grohl and Swift can be viewed below. 

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