Corey Taylor Cancels Gig For Health Issue

Corey Taylor Cancels Gig For Health Issue
Original Photo Credit: © Markus Felix | PushingPixels, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Following a bit of break to take care of his mental health, Corey Taylor reemerged recently with both Slipknot and his solo band. It has been a great sign for his fans, as it appears he’s again firing on all cylinders. 

On Wednesday morning, however, Taylor had to share bad news for his fans in the Czech Republic, as an illness will keep him from performing at the Rock For People Festival. 

“To my friends and family in the Czech Republic,” Taylor wrote on social media. “I am sorry to say that I woke up very sick today and as a restful of this I will not be able to perform at Rock For People Festival. The health and safety of my band and crew is always our first priority on the road and I do not want to cause further issues by trying to perform today. I am truly sorry for everyone who was looking forward tot his performance at Rock For People and I promise I will return and make it up to you.”

Taylor’s next scheduled show is June 13 in Austria at the Nova Rock Festival, and he’s also set to make an appearance this weekend at the Download Festival in England. 

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